Crime and Ghost Festival - Horrible Weekend!
Murder mystery, crimes & ghosts in Stykkishólmur 15.- 17. February.
14:00-17:00 Library
A spooky puzzle game for kids (also available on February 16).
20:00 The Norwegian House
Opening of the photography exhibition Breathe by Jóna Þorvaldsdóttir.
21:00 Narfeyrstofa
Warm-up, legend of Snæfellsnes, Ragnhildur Sigurðardóttir storyteller tells terrible stories of Snæfellsnes.
14:00-17:00 Library
A spooky puzzle game for kids (also available on February 16).
16:00-23:00 Fosshotel
Terrible events looming at Fosshotel. You will find the first clue in the murder mystery there, now you can start solving the riddle.
18:00-20:00 Narfeyrstofa
Specials offers at the bar.
18:00-21:00 Fosshotel
Terrible special of the weekend. Dirty ribs & beer or Bloody Mary. At
20:30 Fosshotel
Sigursteinn Másson - True Icelandic criminal cases, disappearances, questions and answers.
12:00-14:00 Narfeyrstofa
The restaurant is open.
13:00 The Norwegian House
Haunted house for children.
14:00 Vatnsafn
Cannibalism, Áslaug Ólafsdóttir talks about the book Flesh and Blood: A History of the Cannibal Complex, by Reay Tannahill, which has just been published in her translation.
14:00 - 16:00 Sjávarpakkhúsið
Day drinks and small dishes. Book talk at 15:00 - Bragi Páll talks about his book Kjöt and Bergþóra Snæbjörnsdóttir talks about the book Svínshöfuð, which, among other things, takes place in Stykkishólmi.
16:00 The Norwegian House
Haunted house in the Norwegian House for adults.
17:00 The Norwegian House
"... and then she just became possessed" A discussion of spirit glass in Iceland, curated by ethnologist Dagrún Jónsdóttir.
18:00-21:00 Fosshotel
Terrible special of the weekend. Dirty ribs & beer or Bloody Mary. At 18:00-20:00 Narfeyrstofa Specials at the bar.
20:30 Fosshotel
Answers to the murder mystery returned and prize giving afterwards. Crime Pub quiz, Anna Margrét Pálsdóttir, asks criminal questions.
23:00-02:00 Skipper
Killer wheel of fortune.